showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Defenders of Oasis (Syadam Crusader;Sadam Crusader: Harukanaru Oukoku) Sega (SEGA)1992 1life 3dsvirtualconsole arabianfantasy bodyarmor bossbattles capacity-stacks commercial consoleclassix currency cyclopes did difficulty-single doors earth encounters-moving encounters-random encounters-respawn encounters-seen encounters-set gargoyles ghouls giantspiders golems group healingitems highbornprotagonist indoors inventory jewelry jinn keys license-proprietary limitedcapacity lunatics magic maleprotagonist mandatoryloss mapdeficient meleeweapons monsters mystics oldarabian-theme outdoors outlaws palace past premadecharacters randomdamage resting saveanywhere saveram serious shopping soldiers subterranean swords town walking witches xp-kills labelimagesubject
Shining Force Gaiden (シャイニング・フォース外伝 ~遠征・邪神の国へ~) Sega (Camelot)1992 classbased classbasedeq containers grid grid-square group healingitems levelbasedeq meleeweapons monsters noconsoleclassix saveram shining-series shopping tactical tacticalrpg uvl-imagequality labelimageminimize
Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict (シャイニング・フォース外伝 ~ファイナル コンフリクト~;Shining Force Gaiden III) Sega1995 classbased classbasedeq containers grid grid-square group healingitems levelbasedeq meleeweapons monsters noconsoleclassix rating-sr-allages saveram shining-series shopping tactical tacticalrpg labelimageminimize
Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya (Shining Force Gaiden II;シャイニング・フォース外伝II 邪神の覚醒) Sega1993 3dsvirtualconsole classbased classbasedeq consoleclassix containers grid grid-square group healingitems levelbasedeq meleeweapons monsters rating-vrc-ga saveram shining-series shopping tactical tacticalrpg labelimagesubject